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The Importance of Measuring Insulin Levels in PCOS and Weight Management

Managing weight and symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can often feel like an uphill battle. While glucose and A1c levels are commonly monitored, an equally critical, yet often overlooked, component is insulin. Understanding and managing insulin levels can provide profound insights into metabolic health and facilitate more effective treatment strategies for individuals struggling with weight and PCOS symptoms. 

Why Insulin Matters 

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When you eat, your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which enters the bloodstream. Insulin allows cells to absorb this glucose for energy or store it for future use. However, in conditions like PCOS and insulin resistance, the body’s response to insulin is impaired. This dysfunction can lead to elevated insulin levels, even when blood glucose levels are still within a normal range.  

The Hidden Impact of High Insulin Levels 

Weight Gain and Difficulty Losing Weight: Elevated insulin levels can promote fat storage, making it difficult to lose weight. Insulin inhibits the breakdown of fat in the body, and high levels can also increase hunger and cravings, particularly for carbohydrate-rich foods. This creates a vicious cycle of weight gain and metabolic imbalance.  

Hormonal Imbalance: In PCOS, high insulin levels can exacerbate symptoms by increasing the production of androgens (male hormones). This can lead to irregular periods, acne, and excessive hair growth. Monitoring insulin levels can help in understanding and mitigating these hormonal imbalances.  

Cardiovascular Risks: Insulin resistance and high insulin levels are associated with increased risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and dyslipidemia. By managing insulin levels, individuals can better mitigate these risks and improve overall cardiovascular health. 

Glucose Dysregulation: Prolonged high insulin levels can eventually lead to glucose dysregulation, resulting in conditions like prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Early detection and management of high insulin can prevent or delay the onset of these conditions.  

Beyond Glucose and A1c: The Case for Measuring Insulin 

Glucose and A1c tests are crucial but they don’t provide the full picture of your metabolic health. Here’s why incorporating insulin measurement is essential:  

Early Detection of Insulin Resistance: Glucose levels may remain normal in the early stages of insulin resistance. Measuring insulin levels can help detect insulin resistance before it progresses to prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. This allows for earlier intervention and more effective management strategies.  

Tailored Treatment Plans: Understanding your insulin levels can help healthcare providers tailor treatment plans more effectively. For example, individuals with high insulin levels may benefit from dietary changes that specifically target insulin reduction, such as a Low Insulin Lifestyle, which prioritizes foods that do not spike insulin.  

Monitoring Progress: For those already diagnosed with insulin resistance or PCOS, tracking insulin levels can provide valuable feedback on how well the current treatment plan is working. Adjustments can be made based on these measurements to optimize outcomes. 

Comprehensive Health Insights: Measuring insulin levels alongside glucose and A1c provides a more comprehensive view of your metabolic health. It helps in understanding how well your body is managing blood sugar and insulin, which is crucial for effective weight management and symptom control in PCOS.  

Implementing Insulin Testing 

If you’re struggling with weight management or PCOS symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider about incorporating insulin testing into your routine check-ups. Fasting insulin tests and oral glucose tolerance tests with insulin measurements are commonly used methods. For patients that prioritize convenience, you can now purchase Lilli Kits to measure glucose and insulin at home. These tests can offer invaluable insights and aid in crafting a more effective, personalized treatment plan. 


While glucose and A1c measurements are vital, they are only part of the metabolic puzzle. Insulin levels play a crucial role in weight management and the manifestation of PCOS symptoms. By incorporating insulin measurements, individuals and healthcare providers can gain a deeper understanding of metabolic health, allowing for more effective and tailored treatment strategies. Embrace a holistic approach to health by acknowledging the significance of insulin, and take proactive steps towards better managing PCOS and weight-related challenges.